We are all in this together.

To our community,

We wanted to take a moment to address the things that are going on in our world today. Of course, we are speaking about the COVID-19 pandemic that has been impacting us all in so many ways.

First and foremost we would like to say that our hearts are with everyone being affected in the most major of ways by this. Of course we are talking about the healthcare professionals who are laying it on the line everyday. To those who have tested positive and/or been within close proximity to those who have. To those who have been wondering if they will retain their current positions with their place of employment, or even been let go. To the small business owners and operators who are being left to make some of the most difficult decisions they will probably ever have to face.

These times are unique, but we can be postured to succeed but that only works if we work together. Just Good Coffee, Co. was founded for the sole purpose of building a vessel that can provide the means and resources to help give back to those in need.

We will make it through this, and so far Just Good Coffee, Co. is still in full operation. But that is just the beginning.

Effective today, we would like to announce that we will be donating 100% of our proceeds from all purchases to charitable organizations geared towards providing essential resources to families in need, and to small business owners. There is no fine print. There is no smoke in mirrors. We will not be collecting any salaries or purchasing new equipment or goods. Nothing, simply passing the proceeds along, because if we win at this then we have accomplished everything we ever intended.

Stay tuned, as we have even more in the works to help us all get through this.


We will be donating 100% of all sales proceeds to organizations that are giving back to our communities and people during this pandemic. This is not a time for profits, this is a time for well being. 


Many of us consider coffee essential, so we want to make ours even more affordable so that as many people possible can stay stocked up!


If you have any thoughts, concerns, amazing ideas or even just want to drop a simple “Hello” we would love to hear from you. We want to remain as open, as engaged and as active during these times as we possibly can, and we cannot do that without you.

"Moments like these are where we display our truest self. Let us all come together, and celebrate on the other side."

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